Saturday, November 29, 2008


Foxknot ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. All rights reserved

Foxknot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law (2002) watercolor 16 x 18

Movement, strength, mystery, nature, earth and a little whimsy too. Could this be an Animal Ally knot with Fox-faeries? As such the knot would impart wisdom of fox with a fae influence. The circular knot is a symbol of interconnection, unity and eternity. Fox imparts the ability to watch the motivations and movements of others while remaining unobserved. Faery is otherworldly, magical and mysterious; not of this world, nor influenced by it. This knot would be a spiritual tool to help the person become a silent watcher who moves easily between worlds. I love this wonderful, whimsical interpretation of a Celtic Knot.

A deeper understanding of Celtic knots and Animal Allies:

The Celtic knot symbolizes the Thread of Life. To the Celts, the human soul was thought to be a fragment of the divine, which will ultimately return to its divine source. Through successive rebirths the soul rids itself of its accumulated, inherited impurities until it finally achieves the goal of perfection.

The interlaced, or latticed, knotwork patterns, with their unbroken lines, symbolize the process of humankind's eternal spiritual evolution. When the cord is unravelled, it leads us on. A knot lattice can be used as an aid to concentration by occupying the conscious mind with a demanding repetitive task.

Our Animal Allies or helpers choose us to help us with our growth and understanding.  A detailed description of Celtic Animal Allies.


Stephanie Pui-Mun Law is a 31 year old artist/programmer. She began painting otherworlds in early childhood.  Graduated from a program of Computer Science in 1998. After working in programming for three years, She left the world logic for the world of fae; painting full time.  You can read news, learn about watercolor painting, browse her galleries and purchase paintings at


Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Prayer - Dion and Groban, live duet

'The Prayer' - live duet by Céline Dion and Josh Groban

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! A wondrous remembrance of thankfulness for this day and everyday.

An amazing, moving performance. Beautiful voices coming together in perfect harmony. Could feel Spirit moving through them both. Gave me chills and brought tears. Very touching!

Live duet by Céline Dion and Josh Groban at Concert for World Children's Day in 2000 singing The Prayer. First included on the album: These Are Special Times 1997 (promo), won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song 1999; Soundtrack from the movie Quest for Camelot 1998.

Céline Dion and Josh Groban also preformed 'The Prayer' live during her CBS TV special, aired  February 15, 2008. This live duet was released as a digital single.

celinedion Céline Marie Claudette Dion born March 30, 1968 in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada is a singer/songwriter/actress. She is the youngest of 14 children of a highly musical family. She began singing at age 5 and regularly preformed with her siblings at a nightclub her parents owned. Céline began to receive recognition for her talent in 1982, winning the Gold Medal at the Yamaha World Song Festival in Tokyo, along with the coveted Musician's Award for Top Performer. In 1983, she became the first Canadian ever to receive a Gold Record in France. In 2004, after becoming the best selling female artist of all time, she was presented with the Chopard Diamond Award at the World Music Awards. You can read news, listen to music, and watch videos at her website

Josh Groban Josh Groban singer/songwriter was born February 27, 1981 in Los Angeles, California. In 1997 and 1998 he attended Interlochen Arts Camp, majoring in musical theater and voice. He graduated in 1999 with a major in theater from Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. Soon after graduation he was offered a recording contract at Warner Brothers Records. His recording debut was singing "For Always" with Lara Fabian on the soundtrack to A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001). Read news, listen his wonderful music, watch videos, see photos and read his blog at


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Manresa - Rose Faerie

Manresa by Bonnee Klein Gilligan. © Bonnee Klein Gilligan. All rights reserved.

Manresa - Rose Faerie by Bonnee Klein Gilligan, (1998) pastel drawing 9" x 12"

Manresa is of and responsible for the red rose. She can help in all aspects of love and fertility. She is luminescent with a rainbow-like shimmer on the surface of her being. She has wings like a dragonfly and hair of white light. Often she appears like a ball of bluish-white light. If you enjoy Manresa and would like to own a copy you can purchase prints at my Spirit Art Gallery.

Definition of Fairies from one of my favorite metaphysical reference books: 'The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary' by June G. Bletzer, Ph.D.

Faerie (Latin fata; Archaic fay, means "enchanted") a small, ethereal replica of a human in appearance and mannerisms. Desires a rapport with humans but lives in its own invisible culture. A collective word used to mean the whole lower-half of the angel being kingdom of over 1,000 varieties. Work with and have charge of the four elements of air, fire, water and earth under the supervision of the angels. Pure elemental vortexes of energy. Light energy field capable of forming an etheric body of substance drawn from the etheric double of earth to carry out its function. Live in the rhythm of nature. Synchronizes its heartbeat to that of the work at hand. Concerned with the process of nature's evolution and its service to humanity. At times fairy gives off a luminous reflection and at times it takes on the shape of a human form, altered in size. Human form changes with locale. Appears in either gender but most often prefers male gender. Body appears loosely knit and felt to have a dense body inside the light body. Can be perceived clairvoyantly and seen with physical eyes. Cannot be touched. Materializes and dematerializes itself going from dimension to dimension very quickly. An energetic vapor-like ethereal substance using the same material that feelings are made of; responds quickly to human emotions. Has a sensation consciousness similar to the plant kingdom. Posesses the ability of sending an electric charge to stimulate the human intellect and emotions in order to communicate with them. Actions and thoughts influence mankind's ethereal bodies. Neither an angel nor a devil put mediate space between mankind and angels.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Von den Elben - QNTAL

Von den Elben - QNTAL, music video by Brian Froud

Von den Elben means From the Elfin. A haunting magical video about Elfs and Faerie. The images are otherworldly, captivating and mysterious. They speak of things unknown, places in-between visited only by a few. Von den Elben is an intensely moving work of art!

Band: QNTAL, Song: Von Den Elben, Album: Silver Swan (2006). Music video created by Brian and Toby Froud. First seen at the 2006 Faerieworlds Festival.

Brian Froud says, "How do you see Faeries? You can't see them with your eyes, you see them with your heart."

qntal_2006QNTAL is a German "electro-medieval" band founded in 1991 by Michael Popp. Band members: Syrah vocals; Michael Popp vocals, Fidel, Saz, Shalmei, Ud, Tar; and Fil Keyboards, Vocals, Guitars, Programming; plus Markus Köstner (live) Drums, Percussion.  You can listen to more of their music, read latest news and find out more at

brianfroud Brian Froud born 1947 in Winchester, England is a world renown fantasy artist who was the conceptual designer on the fantasy-film-classics 'The Dark Crystal' and 'The Labyrinth'. His wife Wendy Froud also a fantasy artist is credited with the design of the characters The Gelflings, Jen and Kira in the Dark Crystal and Yoda in Star Wars. You can see more of Brian and Wendy's art, watch videos, and read news at the World of Froud.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Max and the Fairies

Michael Orwick-max and the fairies

Max and the Fairies by Michael Orwick - Oil on Canvas, 16" x 20"

Whimsical, sweet and beautiful. I really relate to this painting. Poor Max is being tormented and cajoled by the fairies. They want him to play and he looks like he is saying, "Just leave me  alone, not again." I've seen my cat often playing with or being poked by fairies. But he usually doesn't look forlorn like Max. Karuna Kitty       Sometimes he turns around and swats at them, sometimes he runs and every once in a while he looks surprised and jumps. The dreaded fairy poke. Got ya! The photo right is the 'Naah aw' look before he pounces or runs after them. It's a great good game. Max and the Fairies is in Michael's Whimsical collection. Lovely work!

Michael says, "There is a reason we are drawn toward beauty, it is the language of God and nature. To me there is nothing more provocative than beauty, it inspires deep reflection and motivates me to create."

Michael Orwick Michael Orwick born 1975 in Astoria, Oregon. Traveled to Australia where he began drawing. Graduated with a major in Illustration from Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon. You can see more of Michael's beautiful work, buy paintings or prints, and read his light hearted ramblings at his website


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Angel - McLachlan and Groban live duet


'Angel' - Sarah McLachlan and Josh Groban, live duet

Absolutely beautiful! This lovely song about being held with love in the arms of angels gave me chills and brought tears. I love Sarah and Josh separately, but together, here, now... Wow!

Live duet by Sarah McLachlan and Josh Groban at Live8 in Philadelphia, PA singing Sarah McLachlan's song: Angel. From the album: Surfacing 1997, which won three Grammy Awards and eight Juno Awards; Soundtrack movie: City of Angels 1998.

SarahMcLachlanSarah McLachlan singer/songwriter was born January 28, 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Growing up she took voice lessons, and studied classical piano and guitar. At 17 she fronted for the band The October Game, following their first concert she was offered a recording contract by Nettwerk. Listen to her amazing music, read news, buy CDs and learn more at

Josh Groban Josh Groban singer/songwriter was born February 27, 1981 in Los Angeles, California. In 1997 and 1998 he attended Interlochen Arts Camp, majoring in musical theater and voice. He graduated in 1999 with a major in theater from Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. Soon after graduation he was offered a recording contract at Warner Brothers Records. His recording debut was singing "For Always" with Lara Fabian on the soundtrack to A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001). Read news, listen his wonderful music, watch videos, see photos and read his blog at


Monday, November 17, 2008

Celestial Apparition

Celestial Apparition byJEBowser

Celestial Apparition by Jonathon Earl Bowser
Oil on Canvas - 35" x 24" (1998)

Soft, touching an angel of the Dove. The Dove represents life spirit; the soul; the passing from one state or world to another; the spirit of light; gentleness and peace. They are sacred to all Great Mothers and Queens of Heaven. Three represents forward movement overcoming duality; expression; synthesis. Also 'all' or 'All That is". Celestial Apparition is a lovely work which captures the beauty and love of Divine Spirit. Prints are available.

johathon-pix Jonathon Earl Bowser was born in Canada in 1962. He began drawing at age 8, painting at age 18, and graduated from the Alberta College of Art in 1984. You can see more of his wonderful Goddess art at:


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Through the Eyes of an Angel - music video

Through the Eyes of an Angel performed by Miten

Beautiful song filled with love and appreciation. Listening to this lovely song I feel the love emanating, swirling around me and filling every ounce of my being. Ummm, nice! The video with Miten, Deva Premal and Manose reflects the song's essence... softness, peace and the power of the ocean waves. Wonder full.

Music video by Manose shot during Deva & Miten's holiday in Malibu, California. Album: Soul in Wonder (2007), Song: Through the Eyes of an Angel.  

DevaPremalMitenManose Miten born in London, was a rock and roll singer/songwriter in the 70s and 80s. Deva Premal singer, instrumentalist born 1970 in Germany was brought up in an atmosphere of mantra and spiritual discipline.  Manose Singh, born 1979 in Boudha, Nepal is a Bansuri flautist and composer. Photo is Miten, Manose and Deva in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil November 2008.

Deva Premal and Miten's website has a collection of songs you can listen to with a Flash player, read news and articles, see photos and purchase CDs. Enjoy!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ignite Thy Passion

ignite thy passion-greg spalenka

Ignite thy Passion by Greg Spalenka, computer enhanced mixed media.

Wow! This image describes so well the feeling one gets when touched by Spirit. A quiet explosion of bliss, passion and love... heart opening and expanding. A gentle whisper and caress. Just purchased his 2009 calendar called 'Divine Nature' it's filled with spectacular images. Beautiful work!

Greg says, "I found through serious meditation that there was a space within a space of hallowed peace, filled with love and wisdom. Inside this sacred place reality took on a new form. Ideas flowed like water. Problems met solutions. Worlds passed before my mind's eye filled with saints, kindred spirits, and multi colored beings."

gregspalenka Greg Spalenka, born March 13, 1958  Arcadia, California. He is a graduate of the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena CA.  You can see more of Greg's wonderful images on his website at: Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Way 气韵生动

'The Way' CG animated ink drawing by Ching Huang

A beautifully created Taoist style 3D animated drawing.  Takes you from void  through creation examining the changing nature of all that is. Wonderful!

3D animation by Ching Huang, music by: LIU Xing

Ching Huang says, "The animation reflects an ancient Taoist view of the world as a constant changing process or metamorphosis of forms rather than seemingly isolate entities. And the law of changing is rather seemingly chaotic and spontaneous and yet under an elusive deterministic order which somewhat matches the notion of fractal in Chaos theory."

Tao symbol Tao (道, Pinyin Dào ) literally translated 'Way' is a metaphysical concept which describes the fundamental or true nature of the universe, world and all manifest reality. The Tao both precedes and encompasses the universe, it is holistic, active and ever changing. Tao is perfectly still and continuously moving. It cannot be described because there are no adequate words. Tao is perfect Unity. Although the Tao cannot be expressed nor controlled, it can be known and embraced. For further reading see Tao at wikipedia, Great Tao Foundation or for actual books see Sacred Texts - Taoist.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Jerusalem Hills


Jerusalem Hills by Benjamin Shiff - Oil on Canvas 39" x 31"

Magnificent, uplifting,  futuristic 'Sacred City of Light'. Beyond time, dreams made manifest. A painting which honors Jerusalem as Holy Motherland.

benjaminshiffBenjamin Shiff born 1931 in Germany. Immigrated to Israel with his family at age 2. At 40 his creativity exploded. He began painting and immersed himself in poetry, music and philosophy. The spiritual and mystical aspects of his work were honed through the study of Philosophy, Kabala, Hasidism and Jewish philosophy. You can see more of his works at and Enjoy!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Mermaid Song by Manose

Mermaid Song music video by Manose

Mermaid Song is an original composition performed on solo bamboo flute. Filmed on California's Sonoma Coast.

Manose touches me to the core of my being. Makes me sway, wakes me up and calms me all at the same time. I love to watch and listen to him play. He is masterful.  I've seen him live with Deva Premal and Miten twice. Wow!

manose Manose Singh, born 1979 in Boudha, Nepal is a Bansuri flautist. He has released 5 albums to date, is the founder of the classical raga group Sukarma as well as a founding member of the Nepalese rock band 1979 AD. You can read more about him at Wikipedia or watch videos and read news on his website


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Apoclypse by Rassouli, oil on canvas,  30" x 40"

This painting speaks to me of Spiritual transformation. Changing realities. The ending of old structure... becoming new . Swirling energies flow, dance and transform.... all. Beautiful! Magnificent!

Rassouli says, "Creation is the product of synchro-nizing our energy with the universe. Once we experience the whole and recognize it, we become aware that we are nothing but the Divine Creative Force."

rassouli Rassouli, born in Isfahan, Iran was inspired by his mystical uncle. As a result he developed an early appreciation for painting and mystical poetry. He studied classical and impressionistic art as well as mysticism. In 1963 he immigrated to the United States where he continued his education in art and architecture. You can view more of his beautiful works at his


Monday, November 3, 2008

Stolen Child - Loreena McKennitt Live

Stolen Child performed live by Loreena McKennitt

Loreena has a hauntingly beautiful voice. I love her music. I got chills as I listened to this wonderful Irish Celtic song about the Faery. Album: ELEMENTAL; Song: Stolen Child. Words by W.B.Yeats - Music by Loreena McKennitt (1985, Elemental was recorded by Loreena in a barn in Southern Ontario, Canada).

LoreenaMcKennitt Loreena Isabel Irene McKennitt, C.M. born February 17, 1957 in Morden, Manitoba Canada is a singer, composer, harpist and pianist. She founded Quinland Road Records in 1985 and produces all of her own albums. You can listen to songs, buy CDs and DVDs and find out more at her website Enjoy!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Joy Riders


Joy Riders by Rassouli oil on canvas,  36" x 48"

A beautiful painting of Soul's amazing journey back to Source. I see Soul spiraling through inner-space. Passing through all the dimensions back to God-head. Experiencing all Creation along the way. Tasting, seeing, loving, living, flying and being a Holy spark of God. Wonderful!

Rassouli says, "I believe we are multi-dimensional beings who exist simultaneously beyond time and space in infinite dimensions.  Various dimensions of existence are reflected in my paintings as different cycles in a flowing spiral that represents our soul.

rassouli Rassouli, born in Isfahan, Iran was inspired by his mystical uncle. As a result he developed an early appreciation for painting and mystical poetry. He studied classical and impressionistic art as well as mysticism. In 1963 he immigrated to the United States where he continued his education in art and architecture. You can view more of his beautiful works at his
