Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Life of Buddha - a documentary

A well done documentary on the life of Buddha by BBC. Includes historical data, archeological discoveries blended with current practices. A wonderful journey into consciousness. Enjoy!


Friday, August 29, 2008

oh life... sweet wondrous life

~a poem by Bonnee Klein Gilligan

Sweet Life - photo by Light  ©2002-2008 Bonnee Klein Gilligan. All rights reserved.

So much more then simple words

deep hearted inner sorrow.

Say what you will, time will allow

for life speaks not tomorrow.

Each breath, each move ignites our soul

and fills our cups with wonder.

How we spend this mighty gift

or choose which path to walk on.

Is only that and nothing more

a choice, a simple choice.

Wrapped within experience

set upon a golden plate.

With love and laugher, joy or sorrow

in each and every moment.

Thus we write our book of life

Oh Life... sweet wondrous life.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jesus 'Vaishnava' - video art

A gorgeous tribute to Jesus and Christ Consciousness created by  K. KRISHNA DAS. Another masterful work of art.  Enjoy!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Amazonian Shaman


Amazonian Shaman. Pastel  9" x 12".

Spiritual, esoteric. A highly respected teacher, holy man, psychic, singer and healer. Penetrating, revealing. Original was commissioned. 

Giclee prints are available at Spirit Art Gallery.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mantis Parable - a short film

Mantis Parable is a beautifully animated short film about hope created by Josh Staub. I first saw this short through Spiritual Cinema Circle. A masterful production. Bravo!

Thought you might enjoy it.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

breathe in...

~a poem by Bonnee Klein Gilligan

photo by Light  ©2002-2008 Bonnee Klein Gilligan. All rights reserved.

A man with power, pride perhaps

with jealousy no doubt.

Tries to control, by putting down

denouncing or defiling

with envious beguiling.

All empty threats and meaningless

and truly of no import.

Unless you take it inward

engaging self to battle self.

Indeed there is no other

take back what you have given.

Your power and your peace

take back what you have given, friend.


Back up a step… and breathe self in!!!


Breathe in the knowledge who you are

breathe in the peace, breathe in the calm.

Breathe in your light...

it will illumine what you see

and flood with light the darkness.

For it alone is all that’s real

and it alone supports you.

Take back your power, step into life

and choose a different story.

You write the script, edit the book

create a new beginning.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lotus Buddha - video art

A beautiful, creative and inspirational tribute to Buddha created by  K. KRISHNA DAS. This video is a colorful work of art. I sat in awe and wonder as I watched it unfold before me. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

ZuTy Salamander

Zuty Salamander drawing by Bonnee Klein Gilligan © 2008  All rights reserved.

ZuTy the Salamander is a Fire Elemental.

An elemental being or Nature Spirit that lives easily in flames of fire. Fire is the first of the primary elements (fire, earth, air and water) that make up the universe. Fire is symbolic of purification, transformation, passion and aspiration.

ZuTy says, “I AM Fire... I burn, destroy, create, sustain and renew with flame. I AM heat and light. I AM the Sacred Fire, the fire of transmutation and manifestation.  I AM the fire in your body and Soul. I AM androgynous. I AM Fire.”

In October  2007 I was commissioned to draw Zubaluma Taliya, nicknamed 'ZuTy' who is one of the fire elementals. The original is 9" x 12" pastel on paper.  Giclee prints are available at my Spirit Art Gallery.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Just the Black Notes...


Inspiring! Wintley Phipps tells the history of the song Amazing Grace, its roots in slavery. His rendition of the song gave me chills and brought tears. Hope you enjoy it too.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

of love...

~a poem by Bonnee Klein Gilligan

Scottish dream - photo by Light ©2002-2008 Bonnee Klein Gilligan. All rights reserved.

In lifetimes or in dreams we walked

I know you that is clear.

Drawn by a gentle loving force

into a place obscure.

But filled with light and sweetness

and swirling sense abound.

In waking light or dreaming

the feelings still surround.

A dream of air caressing

the smell of salt and misty fog

and sand, and sea and jagged shore.

We walked without a word to speak

yet whispers filled the air.

Of love, of life, potential filled

and wonders if we dared.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

10 Commandments of Life - Video

10 Commandments of Life brought to life.

Daniel (a.k.a. Philosopher Fresh) contacted me in May 2008 through MySpace. He said, "I have had a copy of your 10 commandments on my wall for the last 5 years! Wonderful! First of all thank you so much for those inspirational words!!! They have helped change my life!"

Through his videos Daniel is bringing the world messages of peace and upliftment. You can view them at Philosopher Fresh on

Thanks Daniel for your kindness and for lovingly giving my words life!!!

~Bonnee (a.k.a. Adonea)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Krishna Yoga - beautiful video art

A beautiful, colorful, animated tribute to Krishna created by K. KRISHNA DAS. Sweet and light filled. A lovely, masterful creative work. Enjoy the unfoldment.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fundamental Beingness

© 2008 Bonnee Klein Gilligan., All Rights Reserved

Peaceful, Meditative, Buddhic, Enlightenment.

Fundamental Beingness represents our Buddha nature. The state we can attain thru Spiritual practices.

Pastel drawing with computer enhancement. Spectral Light - Trefoil Series.  I did the original 9" x 12" drawing in 1998, then in 2007 scanned and enhanced it in Photoshop. Prints are available at my Spirit Art gallery.


Monday, August 4, 2008

soft darkness, waking joy...

~a poem by Bonnee Klein Gilligan

Sunrise dreams - photo by Light  ©2002-2008 Bonnee Klein Gilligan. All rights reserved.

So was in a dream indeed

in space, in quiet being.

Danced on air and time stood still

through misty fog revealing.

These flashing skies and clapping booms

stand watching as time passes.

Sweet moisture, cool and gentle rain

without a wetness seeming.

Soft darkness passes lightly by

what was is now forgotten.

To waking full upon the day

in paradise abounding.

All with promise pregnant poised

awaiting only choices.

Reveals itself with breath and life

and moments as we make them.

The road, the place are all the same

for home is where the heart is.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sacred dance of 1,000 hands

A living 1,000 armed Goddess of Mercy (Guanyin) is depicted in this fabulous dance production. Performed by 21 deaf dancers.  The China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe was formed more then 20 years ago and have performed in more then 40 countries. Inspirational!!! Enjoy.
